Our providers work with individual clients, using evidence-based practices, to aid clients in developing skills, understanding, and ways to process their mental health needs, challenges, and build resilience in the face of life’s struggles. We work to create a supportive and consistent environment where our clients feel safe and empowered to work on their wellness and toward their goals.


Our providers work with families to help the members gain knowledge, skills, and tools to decrease conflict and increase open communication, support, and, when needed, accountability to each other.


Our providers work to aid couples in gaining the skills and understanding to reduce conflict and support growth, be that in the domains of coupling, co-parenting, or whatever facet of life the couple feels they need assistance in managing in new and hopefully healthier ways.

First Steps

“The saddest day hath gleams of light, the darkest wave hath bright foam beneath it, the twinkles o'er the cloudiest night, some solitary star to cheer it.” —Sarah Winnemucca

Reno Location

6151 Lakeside Drive, Suite 2000 Reno, NV 89511

Fernley Location

415 US Hwy 95A, Suite K1101 Fernley, NV 89408