Fill out the form below with your contact information & submit. There is no commitment at this point, but you have just taken the first steps towards growing into a healthier you. Well done!


We will be reaching out to you within the next 2 business days to see if we are a good fit, and, if we are, to get started on getting you set up for services.


Feel free to skim through our resource page or call/email us if you have any urgent concerns.

New Client Information

First Steps

“The saddest day hath gleams of light, the darkest wave hath bright foam beneath it, the twinkles o'er the cloudiest night, some solitary star to cheer it.” —Sarah Winnemucca

Reno Location

6151 Lakeside Drive, Suite 2000 Reno, NV 89511

Fernley Location

415 US Hwy 95A, Suite K1101 Fernley, NV 89408